'Heroic Humanities', in honour of Isabel Hoving
- Date
- Tuesday 17 May 2022
- Time
- Address
Academy Building
Rapenburg 73
2311 GJ Leiden - Room
- Klein Auditorium
We warmly invite you to Heroic Humanities, a symposium in honour of Dr. Isabel Hoving. On the precipice of her upcoming retirement, this festive event will serve to celebrate, contemplate and promote the values she has stood for throughout her career.
The event will include two panels featuring some of the many colleagues Isabel has worked with and inspired over the years. Their presentations will hone in on the various fields and discussions to which she has contributed, including her fight for inclusion as diversity officer, her focus on interculturality and ecocriticism, her unbridled love of fantasy, video-games and storytelling, and her ceaseless passion for writing and creativity. While reflecting on the quests Isabel has so tirelessly embarked on, we will look towards a future that her work has helped us to imagine.
We will gather on the 17th of may at 16:00 in the Small Auditorium of Leiden's Academy Building (Rapenburg 73).
Program and Speakers
16:00-16-15: Entrance and Introduction
16:15-17:00: First Panel
- Nanne Timmer (Interculturality & Latin American Cultural Analysis)
- Ali Şahin (Chair STAR - Space to Talk about Race; co-chair Office for Inclusivity, Willem de Kooning Academy)
- Aminata Cairo (Author of Holding Space: A Storytelling Approach to Trampling Diversity and Inclusion)
17:00-17:15: Break
17:15-18:00: Second Panel
- Ilios Willemars (Queer & Feminist Studies; Continental Philosophy)
- Deniz Aktaş (PhD-candidate, Free University: The Cultural Politics of Race and Religion in the Netherlands)
- Rob Zwijnenberg; (Contemporary Art & Biotechnology; Politics & Aesthetics)
18:00-18:15: Closing remarks by Isabel Hoving
18:15-20:00: Drinks at Pakhuis
If you are planning to come, please send a brief email to our student-assistant Mike Schrauwen in order to register, so that we can keep track of the number of attendees. Should you have any other questions or suggestions regarding the event, please do not hesitate to ask.
We hope to see you there! All the best,
Yasco Horsman, Maria Boletsi, Marianne van Duin, Mike Schrauwen and Isabel Hoving
With the support of the LUCAS Modern and Contemporary Research Cluster.