Universiteit Leiden

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Conference | D&I Symposium

Inclusivity with Law: What does it mean to look at diversity and inclusion from a legal perspective?

Thursday 13 January 2022
Being the First

On the one hand, the law plays an important role in promoting diversity, equality and inclusion, but on the other hand, the law can also be seen as a source of inequality and division. What does it mean to look at diversity and inclusion from a legal perspective? How can teaching and the study of law contribute to a more inclusive society?

The D&I symposium is the time of year when the University community looks back on the developments and milestones in its D&I policy from the past year, and gains inspiration on which steps to take in the future. This year’s edition of this event, which is open to the entire university community, is a collaboration between the D&I Expertise Office, Leiden Law School and the National Council of Deans in Law as part of the National Sector Plan Law.


The main language of the symposium will be English unless otherwise noted. Dutch-English and English-Sign Language of the Netherlands (SLN) translation will be provided during the plenary part of the symposium. During workshops SLN translation will be available upon request.


Jasmijn Mioch


The programme will feature panel discussions, lectures and workshops on a wide range of topics, including a dialogue on the law and experiences of exclusion, studying as a first-generation student, working with autism, tools for inclusive education and curricula, bystander intervention and more.

Welcome by Jasmijn Mioch
Opening by Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board
Ashley Terlouw: Equity, diversity and the university
Panel discussion
Reflection and conclusion with President Annetje Ottow, and Dean Joanne van der Leun

Keynote speech

In her keynote speech, Professor of Sociology of Law from Radboud University Nijmegen Ashley Terlouw will explore the gap between the law and everyday practice, and will look at the role universities can play in fostering inclusion and addressing exclusionary practices. Terlouw is currently coordinating the Senate’s parliamentary investigation into discrimination in four areas: the job market, education, social security and the police.

Panel discussion

What does it take to foster an inclusive university community?

With (among others):

  • Joanne van der Leun, Dean of the Faculty of Law
  • Aya Ezawa, Diversity Officer Leiden University
  • Susanne Deen, D&I Coordinator for the faculties of Law, and Governance and Global Affairs


1. Peter Rodrigues and Maartje van der Woude: Diversity Deliberation: Authoritative statements and experienced exclusion 2. Dr Mohsen Al Attar, Van Vollenhoven Institute lecture series: Decolonising International Law: Entrapments in Praxis and Critical Thought 3. Şeydâ Buurman Kutsal: Brown Eyes Blue Eyes training 4. Our Bodies Our Voice: Bystander intervention training (2x) 5. Neurodiversity Platform: Working with Neurodiversity 6. Inclusive Curricula and Learning Environments: Tools and Reflections 7. Being the first: attending university as first in your family 8. Joni Oyserman & Mathilde de Geus: Missing Knowledge about People with Disabilities 9. Voorkeursbeleid voor meer diversiteit? (Affirmative action for more diversity?) - session in Dutch

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