Universiteit Leiden

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What skills do students need to function as academic professionals and engaged citizens?

Leiden University has selected 13 shared transferable skills that are important for all of its students, regardless of what they are studying. Read on this page which skills they are. 

What are transferable skills

What are transferable skills? Why shared understanding Three categories Who is this framework for?
The 13 shared transferable skills

Relating to the world around us: Researching

Academic research is the basis of a university and its academic community. Researching is therefore the core skill within the category relating to the world around us. Alongside Researching, this category includes the skills Analysing, Generating Solutions, Project-Based Working and Digital Skills.

Researching Analysing Generating solutions Project-based working Digital skills

Relating to other people: Collaborating

To contribute to academia and society as academic professionals and engaged citizens, we need to be able to share our knowledge, skills and experiences and to combine them with the abilities of others. Collaborating is the core skill in the category relating to the world around us. Alongside Collaborating, this category includes the skills Oral Communication, Written Communication, Presenting and Societal Awareness.

Collaborating Oral communication Written communication Presenting Societal awareness

Relating to ourselves: Reflecting

To stay critical of whether ideas and strategies are useful, effective and correct, we must regularly reflect on the behaviour, viewpoints and methods of ourselves and others. Reflecting is therefore the core skill in the category relating to ourselves. Alongside Reflecting, this category includes the skills Independent Learning and Resilience.

Reflecting Independent learning Resilience
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