Universiteit Leiden

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Engagement with Society

The ‘Engagement with Society’ ambition is closely linked to the ‘Employability Enhancement’ and ‘Skills’ ambitions. Introducing students to social issues often gives them immediate insight into the job market they will enter. And working on social issues gives them the opportunity to develop skills and gain experience.

Engagement with society

Our teaching seeks to prepare students to become academic professionals and engaged citizens who are well-informed about social, political and professional developments. They are made aware of their own role and influence within these developments.

We are committed to stimulating and strengthening the social awareness of our students by encouraging them to engage with social issues during their time at our university. On this page, you can read about the various ways in which students learn about, for, in and with society during their studies. 

Learning about, for, in and with society

Here we make a distinction between learning about and for society (where knowledge and insights are acquired) and learning in and with society (where students also gain practical experience). 

Learning about and for society: acquiring knowledge and insights Learning in and with society: gaining practical experience

Cooperation with social partners

Collaborating with social partners to integrate their issues into our education requires coordination. Leiden University has several platforms for bringing together societal issues and study programmes. 

Leren met de stad (Learning with the City)
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