Referral options
If you’re unsure where to refer students to for well-being support, this page should help. It provides an overview of the support available at Leiden University.

Student well-being website
The student well-being website provides students with tips and tricks on how to boost their well-being. These include details of the various workshops on offer and information about optimising your study space. The site also explains whom students can contact for professional help. This introductory video briefly explains the route for students.
Contact details for health services
On the health care page, you will find the contact details of GPs, mental health services, hospitals and helplines in Leiden and The Hague.
It is important that students register with a GP in the area. They can find a nearby GP here.
In a life-threatening situation, call 112.
If a student has suicidal thoughts, call 0800-0113
- See the Suicide Prevention in Education guide to refer the student to the right care.
- ‘Warning Signs of Suicide in Students’ is a guide written by the student psychologists that provides information on recognising and acting on warning signs of suicide in students.
Study adviser/coordinator
The study adviser/coordinator is the first point of contact for students who need support and advice on their studies. They can contact them with practical and personal questions. The study adviser/coordinator is also their first point of contact if they have problems with their studies and are unsure whether they have chosen the right programme.
The mentor and tutor
First-year students have a mentor and at some faculties a tutor too. The mentor helps them find their feet in their first weeks at university.
Career Services
For information and tips on their studies and career, students can visit the Leiden University Career Zone. For personal questions they can contact Career Services. Each faculty has a Career Service that helps bachelor’s and master’s students with the transition from studying to their first job. The Mentor Network puts students with career questions in touch with Leiden alumni.
Student psychologists
The student psychologists at Leiden University can help with both study-related and personal problems. For instance, fear of failure, motivation problems or depression.
Students can schedule an initial (online) consultation in the online planner.
They can mail any quick questions they might have to the student psychologists at
Students with a disability who need information, support or special facilities can contact the Fenestra Disability Centre. Information is available for lecturers on making learning materials accessible (in Dutch). The Expertise Centre for Inclusive Education (ECIO) has compiled a guide with tips (in Dutch) on designing, preparing and providing teaching.
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Watch the video on the original website orSpecial circumstances and financial problems
In the event of special circumstances – for example, combining studying with parenthood or elite sports – or financial problems, students can contact the student counsellors. Schuldhulpmaatje is an organisation that can also help with financial problems.
Some students are addicted to alcohol, drugs or tobacco, for example. For tips on how to overcome their addiction, they can contact the Trimbos Institute. For addiction treatment, students in Leiden can contact Brijder and students in The Hague Indigo. They will need a referral from their GP first.
Young in Leiden
The Municipality of Leiden launched a new website in 2023: This features a wide range of healthcare services for young people in Leiden. Students can also do a self-assessment of various aspects of their physical and mental health. The results can help them find the right healthcare services. They can take the test on the Institute for Positive Health website.