- Career development | Personal development | Working effectively Online courses Life hacks to be announced
- Career development | Leadership Online courses Management and leadership to be announced
- Career development | Working effectively | Leadership Online courses Teams to be announced
- Communication | Research Presenting skills for researchers 'Stop performing, start connecting' to be announced
- Personal development Project ME | Taking control of your academic career by taking control of yourself to be announced
- Research Scientific Conduct for PhDs (Governance and Global Affairs) to be announced
- Research Scientific Conduct for PhDs (LUMC) to be announced
- Research Scientific Conduct for PhDs (Science) to be announced
- Research Scientific Conduct for PhDs (Social and Behavioural Sciences) to be announced
- Research Scientific Integrity for PhD candidates in Archaeology and the Humanities to be announced
- Personal development | Communication Skills lab: Influencing without authority to be announced
- Communication Skillslab: Use your strengths to communicate to be announced
- Communication | Working effectively Standing up for yourself, while keeping good relations (Effective communication) to be announced
- Career development | Communication Storytelling Lab: Using story-based discourse to boost your career to be announced
- Management | Leadership Training course Leading from the middle to be announced