Statistical analysis in R
In this course, you will learn how to use R for your own (psychological) statistical analysis and how to share your analysis with your colleagues and the community.
- Target group
Postdoctoral researcher
PhD candidate - Teachers
- Julian Karch (Assistant professor) Kevin Kloos (PhD candidate)
- Method
Training course
Registration is closed.

Psychological research often requires statistical analysis. This is typically performed in SPSS. SPSS's primary disadvantage is its closedness. This has multiple important implications: it is intransparent, nonreproducible, and only a few statistical methods are available.
R is open and consequently an improvement over SPSS in almost all aspects. It is transparent; that is, everybody can confirm the correctness of Rs computations. It is easy to create and share reproducible analyses. It is constantly extended by the scientific community, which leads to a vast library of available statistical methods.
In this course, you will learn how to use R for your own (psychological) statistical analysis and how to share your analysis with your colleagues and the community.
- First, we will show you how to use built-in functions from the R-library and how to install external libraries.
- Second, you will learn how to preprocess your data and how to create visualizations.
- Third, we will cover how to create reproducible reports in R.
- Fourth, you will learn how to perform statistical data analysis, as you are used to from SPSS.
As the final project, you will (re)implement a statistical analysis from one of your papers using R.
Course objectives
- Perform basic statistical analyses with R.
- Create a reproducible report with R-Markdown.
- Programme your own functions in R.
- Tidy datasets and create data visualizations in R.
Entry requirements
- Basic knowledge about standard statistical methods like ANOVA, t-test, etc.
Mode of instruction
- Lectures (theory and illustrative examples in R).
- ractical sessions with exercises in R (students work on the exercises and solutions are discussed at the end).
- Students should bring their own laptop with R and Rstudio installed.
Target group | One day | Two days | Three days |
PhD candidates FSW | FREE | FREE | FREE |
Staff FSW | €300 | €400 | €500 |
Other Leiden University PhD candidates | €215 | €315 | €415 |
Externals | €450 | €600 | €750 |
Please, contact Dr. Julian Karch or Kevin Kloos MSc for more information.