Universiteit Leiden

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Suicide prevention training: Gatekeeper

In this free training from 113 Suicide Prevention, you learn how you can help studens with suicidal thoughts.

Target group
Non-academic staff
Training course
Ceelina Janmaat & Manuela Gemen from 113 Suicide Prevention

Anyone who has or may encounter someone with (possible) suicidal thoughts in their environment can be a gatekeeper. So can you. A gatekeeper refers to the key role you can play for someone who is so stuck in their thoughts that they can no longer see life. Research and experience show that people with suicidal thoughts often do not talk about them and do not seek help quickly, although we also know that talking about these thoughts actually helps and relieves them. As a gatekeeper, you can be that person who is taken into confidence and discusses the thoughts, without taking on the role of a practitioner.

This training from 113 Suicide Prevention teaches you:

  • To deal with signs of suicidality or a suspicion of suicidality
  • To make the topic of suicidal thoughts open to discussion with concrete tools
  • To ask responsible and phased questions and the limits of it 
  • How to refer to professional help

The training is being offered to study advisers, professors and all other staff members who are frequently in contact with students.

If you have any questions about the training or registration, please send an email to staffwellbeing@sea.leidenuniv.nl.

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