Universiteit Leiden

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Personal development

Navigating a New Culture

Breaking the Invisible Barriers to Success in Your PhD Journey

Target group
PhD candidate
Margarita Lourido Ferreira  (Psychologist for PhD candidates)
Training course

The academic success of international PhD candidates is significantly influenced by their ability to navigate the challenges of living abroad and adapting to a new culture. These talented, resourceful, and dedicated professionals are eager to work hard to achieve their goals in the Netherlands.

However, many PhD candidates arrive without adequate preparation for the various challenges that come with living abroad, including differences in the academic system and the success criteria established in their host country. Adapting to a new work culture can feel like a roller-coaster ride. Some candidates may view their difficulties during this transition as a sign of weakness, but this perception is far from the truth. Facing challenges often indicates a strong effort to adjust to a new environment. With the right knowledge and tools, this adaptation process can become smoother.

By understanding these challenges in advance and learning how to tackle them, international PhD candidates can better focus on their academic priorities, leading to satisfactory results.

Who Should Attend?

This course is open to all PhD candidates at Leiden University, regardless of their contract type. It is especially recommended for those coming from abroad and/or working in a multicultural context. 

  • Do you find it difficult to adapt to the work culture in the Netherlands? 
  • Do you struggle to work effectively in a multicultural team? 
  • Do you feel isolated? 
  • Do you feel lost in your work environment? 
  • Have you questioned your performance since arriving in the Netherlands? 
  • Do you find communication with colleagues and supervisors challenging? 
  • Are you feeling the impact of being away from family and friends? 
  • Are you uncertain about your decision to move to the Netherlands? 

Topics Covered

First Session: Coping with Living Abroad 

  • Identify challenges that PhD candidates may encounter during their stay in the Netherlands. 
  • Provide tools to overcome difficulties at each stage of cultural adaptation. 
  • Develop a vision for how PhD candidates can maximize their academic and career outcomes.

Second Session: Navigating Cultural Differences 

  • Identify subtle cultural differences that may affect interactions. 
  • Review key areas for navigating workplace cultures, such as communication, evaluation, leadership, and conflict resolution. 
  • Learn strategies to minimize conflicts arising from cultural differences.

Third Session: Collaborating and Succeeding as a Multicultural Team 

  • Discover your own interaction style and communication needs. 
  • Allocate conflicts in communication.   
  • Strengthen communication skills.

Testimonials from participants

'I learnt a lot from the session, such as a clear understanding of the culture of the society, clearly set goals for coming to the Netherlands, and managing the stress properly.'

'Understanding the context and feedback systems of a particular culture helps for effective communication.'

'How different cultures have different criteria for successful meetings and how to build trust at work.'

'That I am enough and that I should not feel bad about negative feedback because our cultures are different. Also that I should not fear to talk to my supervisor about anything.'

'Being more of an effective communicator by asking whether the person has understood me and by asking what they mean.'

Further information

Visit the webpage of the psychologist for PhD candidates for further information and advice.

How to register

Send an email to phdpsychologist@SEA.leidenuniv.nl  with the subject line "Workshop: Navigating a New Culture."  In your email, briefly explain why this course would be beneficial for you. Places will be allocated based on the order of application and suitability for the course.

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