Universiteit Leiden

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Arts and leisure - Music

Singing lessons for two (all levels)

Monday from 14:45-15:45 h and from 16:00-17:00 h

Mirre Valkenburg

For whom 
For everyone who wants to improve their singing techniques ( max 2 persons).

In this short course you will get tools to (further) develop your voice. You will work with songs of your choice and learn about breathing, dynamics and singing high and low notes. The lesson content is tailored to what you need at that moment or what you encounter with your voice.

Working in a small group of two people creates a safe environment in which you can try out everything with your voice.
Moreover, it is a lot of fun and educational to listen to your fellow student.

Mirre Valkenburg studied Latin singing at Codarts, Rotterdam conservatory. After her studies, she took lessons and workshops in the Lichtenberger Method® for a long time. This method with a Taoist and meditative slant is a great source of inspiration for the lessons she gives.  She gives singing lessons to children and adults of different levels and musical interests.

Is the registration link not working? Please contact the LAK via info@lakcursussen.nl or tel: 071 -  5272317

Anyone who registers for a LAK course, thereby agrees to the LAK terms and conditions.

Register on time! A course can only start with enough participants (this will be decided a week before the start).

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