Universiteit Leiden

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Coaching & Intervision (early career) lecturers

During intervision, pedagogical cases, which are brought up by participants based on their own teaching, are discussed. Together, multiple solutions surrounding themes such as: “how do I encourage my students to actively participate?” or “how do I deal with students who do not prepare for classes?” are explored

Target group
Maarten van Leeuwen  (University lecturer) Astrid Van Weyenberg  (University Lecturer)

In these meetings, you can introduce your own classroom situations and experiences. We will also discuss specific themes (see below). Please note that the success of these meetings entirely depends on the dynamics of the group and on your presence. By registering for the intervision group, you commit to attending all meetings. You are advised, therefore, to block these meetings in your agenda for the entire academic year.

Registration is online (NB: we aim for a group of a similar size, maximum size of eight per group). Our conversations are in English, unless all participants are Dutch speaking.

Preliminary programme

Semester 1

Session 1) Introduction
Monday 14 October, 15.15-17.15 (followed by drinks!)

Session 2) (theme: time-planning & organization)
Monday 4 November, 15.15-17.15

Session 3) (theme: activating & motivating)
Monday 25 November, 15.15-17.15

Session 4) (theme: examination & assessment)
Monday 16 December, 15.15-17.15

Semester 2

Session 5) (theme: thesis supervision)
Monday 17 February, 15.15-17.15

Session 6) (theme: diversity & inclusivity)
Monday 10 March, 15.15-17.15

Session 7) (theme: designing your course syllabus)
Monday 31 March, 15.15-17.15

Session 8 (theme: reflecting & evaluating)
Monday 28 April, 15.15-17.15 (followed by end-of-the-year drinks!)

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