Universiteit Leiden

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Supervising PhD candidates

The success of a PhD candidate depends in part on the guidance he or she receives from the supervisor. In this course you will learn what you can do to get the best out of your PhD candidate.

Target group
Martine Broekhuizen (UU) Marije Stolte (UU) Mario de Jonge  (Onderwijskundig adviseur & onderzoeker)
Training course

The practical aspects of supervision are addressed in this training. In addition, we focus on the role of the supervisor as a coach.

Please indicate your interest in this course by completing this form

By submitting this information, you will be registered on a waiting list. The demand for this course is high and unfortunately we don’t have enough spots available to register every candidate immediately. Therefore, HR Learning & Development will determine in collaboration with colleagues at the faculties who will be invited to register for upcoming courses. If you have any questions, please contact hrmopleidingen@bb.leidenuniv.nl

For whom

Lecturers and starting associate professors from Leiden University who

  • are responsible for at least one PhD candidate and
  • who have at least 3 months experience with supervising PhD candidates.


  • Developing a supervision plan
  • Developing scenarios for frequently occurring difficult situations
  • Training conversation skills for giving feedback
  • Recognising risks and warning signs

What you'll learn

After the training course is finished, you will be able to guide your PhD candidate in a targeted and motivating way. In addition, you can:

  • plan the PhD trajectory
  • clearly identify mutual expectations
  • differentiate your supervisory style depending on the phase of the PhD track
  • design progress assessments in terms of content and procedure
  • recruit and select
  • better prepare the PhD candidate for life after the PhD


The training course consists of a combination of theory and practice. Newly acquired skills will be honed using role playing. 

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