Universiteit Leiden

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Scientific Conduct for PhDs (Governance and Global Affairs)

A number of cases of scientific fraud and misconduct were bad publicity for the scientific world. Are these cases signs of a system in crisis or just some anomalies in an otherwise good scientific framework? This course will give attention to the grey area and your role as an individual scientist to prevent misconduct.

Target group
PhD candidate
Dr. Min Cho Dr. Andrei Poama
Training course

This workshop on scientific integrity will give you the opportunity to discuss scientific fraud and misconduct with fellow PhD candidates. This workshop will take place two times a year. Dates will be communicated to all FGGA Promovendi  per e-mail.

For whom

Governance and Global Affairs PhD candidates from Leiden University in the first year of their doctoral degree.


Free of charge.

Please note, our cancellation rules apply to all courses. If you cancel within two weeks before the first course date or if you don't attend the course, we will have to charge a cancellation fee of € 100.


  • Please prepare yourself in advance with our online module Scientific Conduct.
  • What is scientific misconduct?
  • How should you handle a conflict of interest?
  • Does your supervisor ask you to bend the rules in name of science?
  • To what extent can money corrupt scientists? 
  • What are the 'grey areas'? Discussion of cases that are not so obvious.

What you'll learn

You will learn to what extent science already has - or perhaps needs to develop - a system to prevent scientific misconduct and what role you can play as an individual scientist.


The workshop takes 3 hours. After the meeting you will receive reading material to use for discussions in your research group, department or faculty. The results of the discussion can be used by all participants under the Chatham House Rule. Together with future meetings, they will be the basis for a body of knowledge and suggestions to help you and your colleagues strengthen your ideas on this topic. The goal is to improve scientific integrity, within and outside our university. 


The workload for this course amounts to 15 hours including attendance and preparation.


PhD candidates can sign up for this workshop by emailing graduateschool@fgga.leidenuniv.nl, with the subject line "scientific conduct sign up.

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