Knowledge utilisation
Do you want to apply for a NWO Veni, Vidi, Vici grant or another similar NWO proposal? This English course will give you the tools to write an excellent knowledge utilization paragraph for your application.
- Target group
Postdoctoral researcher
PhD candidate - Teacher
- Anke Klerkx (Coordinator Grant Development Team)
- Method
Training course
All "NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls" applications will be assessed on knowledge utilisation, as well as on the quality of the researcher and that of the project proposal. The knowledge utilisation assessment will represent 20% of the total assessment.
For whom
Applicants (employed by Leiden University or LUMC) applying for a NWO Veni, Vidi, or Vici grant or another NWO proposal with a similar knowledge utilisation paragraph.
Please note: you can only attend with permission of your employer.
Knowledge utilisation paragraph of the NWO and how this is relates to the application.
What you'll learn
You will be able to identify the outcomes of your own research. You will identify interested parties (stakeholders) and be able to tell why they are interested. You will also decide how to communicate with them about your project and learn to plan your activities.
This is a very hands-on training. During 4 hours you will gather all the elements for your own knowledge utilisation paragraph by making a poster. The trainer provides background and participants help each other by giving feedback. Note that you will not do any actual writing during the training. Before and after the training you can send your (revised) knowledge utilisation paragraph to the trainer and you will receive feedback.
The workload for this course amounts to 4 hrs in total.