Universiteit Leiden

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Career development

Career planning for PhDs and Postdocs

Are you in the 3rd or final year of your PhD (or are you a postdoc) and thinking about the next step or steps in your career? Where do you see yourself in the future, based on what you really want? Careful planning will help you reach your goals in your professional journey. This course will help you adapt to rapidly changing job markets by enhancing your self-knowledge and confidence to explore different career opportunities.

Target group
Postdoctoral researcher
PhD candidate
Mrs. M. (Marion) Miezenbeek  (Qcoach.nl, senior career counselor and trainer)
Training course
This course consists of two training sessions and one individual career coaching session (optional). The total workload for this course amounts to 12 hours - including attendance and preparation
Start dates 2025
4 March, 24 March (online), 8 April, 7 May, 3 June, 25 June (online), 25 August, 24 September (online), 6 October, 29 October, 25 November, 15 December (online)

Why this course?

This course helps you to create a career development plan, encompassing your career goals, skills and  development  for your future jobs and learn how to make the most of your experience, knowledge, strengths, values and purpose in work life.  You will receive valuable guidance based on practical suggestions, discussions with peers and scientific models. A successful career planning starts with  insight in yourself so you can design a customized professional life.

What you’ll learn:

  • The difference between a job, a career and a calling and how to plan your career
  • How to use your strengths, values, skills and beliefs as a guide to explore new career options
  • Strategies to be successful in your career planning.
  • It’s not about finding a job but the right job that will be the next step in your career


As preparation for this course you should also use the Career platform for PhDs:

  • Take the test on www.16personalities.com and read the report carefully
  • Take the work values test on the platform and think about your own core values
  • Do the ideal workday assignment

Based on these assignments you will work in an interactive way to gain more insight into your strengths and weaknesses, your values and purpose. You will also start developing your career plan.

Practical information

  • You can register for this course using the registration buttons on the right side of this page. Please note the difference between Staff (employee of Leiden University) and Extern/LUmc (e.g. extern, self-funded researchers or employee at LUmc). 
  • The course is free of charge for employee- and contract PhD candidates.
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