Universiteit Leiden

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Growth in Conversation: Develop your conversation skills using the principles of GROW

This workshop is here to support you in having (formal and informal) GROW interviews with your manager. Whether it is about your performance and results, well-being or development. This workshop helps you to focus and discuss your needs and wishes.

Boertien Vergouwen Overduin
Target group
This workshop is specifically designed for all university staff in non-managerial roles (scientific and non-scientific).

Growth in conversation

This interactive and practical workshop provides insight into what you want to achieve with your GROW interview and what you can say, ask and do in that context. This ensures that the (formal or informal) GROW interview becomes a more two-way conversation, in which it becomes really clear what you need. This enables your manager to contribute even better to your results, development and/or well-being.

Topics covered

  • Sharpening your own development and/or well-being perspective and calling attention to this - with a feeling for the context of the organization;
  • Learning to know one's own strengths in verbal and nonverbal communication and using them effectively;
  • Practicing naming desires and setting boundaries in line with one's own ambitions;
  • Playing with communication techniques that contribute to having a two-way, open dialogue: listening, (continuing) questioning, switching.


This workshop will include the following competencies:

  • Self-awareness
  • Clear expectations
  • Learning capability
  • Feedback


This workshop is organized across faculties in Dutch and English with a maximum group size of 8 participants. The effective training time is 1 half day (3 hours). Prior to the workshop you will be asked to complete an intake form in which you describe your own practice and development needs. The trainer uses this information to make the program as appropriate as possible.

In conclusion
To ensure that you feel free to be open and honest about your wants and needs, it is advisable to agree in advance with your team who will participate and when.

Are you curious about what exactly GROW is all about? Visit the GROW-pageThere you will find more information about GROW and other tools to support you.  


  • Formal leaders are also "just" employees who have GROW interviews with their supervisors just like everyone else. Do you want to participate from an employee perspective? Then send an email to: hrmopleidingen@leidenuniv.nl.
  •  Want to become more proficient in conducting GROW interviews from a managerial role? Then register for A Good Conversation.
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