Universiteit Leiden

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Communication | Research

Communication in Science for PhDs (from Science and LUMC)

Are you a PhD candidate on the cusp of writing up or narrating your latest findings? Have you organised all your information meticulously yet still feel that something is missing as you’re polishing your draft or rehearsing your talk? Then join our series of interactive sessions to refine your oral and written communication skills.

Target group
PhD candidate
Dominique Donato Nikki Kromkamp Inge 'tHart
Training course
6 mandatory sessions of 2-3 hours (+ 2 optional sessions; one on pronunciation and the other on grammar) and you will be given homework in between course days - Total workload: 35 hours.
Start dates 2024
5 February, 11 March, 13 May, 30 September, 11 November

Why this course?

In this course, we will hone in on the cornerstone of all scientific discourse: communication. Even though science as a discipline might be about amassing facts at a fast clip, science as discourse is about getting your message across. The overarching course aim is to arrive at a detailed inventory of effective principles that guide the various modes of science communication (research article, conference talk, science poster, etc.), thus ensuring that you will always be able to convey your message with crystalline clarity. You’ll learn to craft both presentations and prose that convey clear messages by consistently considering the audience’s perspective. What do they know already and why should they care about your contribution? Furthermore, we’ll show you where there’s room for you to stretch and grow in your usage of English.


This is a tailor-made course, which uses classroom instruction, peer review, short assignments, video training and individual tutorials (where desired). Throughout the course you will produce new material, in order to directly apply what you have learned to your own research. Topics covered: 

  • Writing up your research for publication: readability, cohesion and coherence, readers' perspective
  • Presenting your research to an international audience: interaction, structure, intonation, pronunciation.
  • Getting your audience's attention with your poster: pitching the poster, using visuals well, balance of information

Prior to the first session, all participants are kindly requested to submit a a short audio or video clip of themselves as an introduction, encompassing a succinct overview of their research, their experience with writing and presenting in English, and the specific aims they might have with the course. This file (avi, mp3, mp4) is due approximately one week before the course commences.

Practical information

  • You can register for this course using the registration buttons on the right side of this page. Please note the difference between Staff (employee of Leiden University) and Extern/LUmc (e.g. extern, self-funded researchers or employee at LUmc). 
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