Universiteit Leiden

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Communication | Outreach

Blogging about your research

A blog is a great way to share your research with fellow researchers as well as the general public. Are you thinking of joining a group blog or starting your own? This training lowers the threshold and helps you to get started. It takes you through all the steps of blogging. From strategy to writing and from publishing to distribution..

Target group
Postdoctoral researcher
PhD candidate
Hermen Visser  (Science journalist and communication trainer)
Training course
The work load amounts to 12 hours (4 hours of training and 8 hours of homework)
Start dates 2024
19 November
Start dates 2025
25 February, 25 March, 7 May, 10 June, 16 September, 18 November

Why this course?

Blogging is a great way to share your research amongst peers and engage in the public debate. A blog helps to establish your name as a researcher, opens new career opportunities, functions as a place to practise your communication skills, and may even help you secure a grant. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Align your blog with your career goals
  • Formulate your niche in the blogosphere
  • Think up good topics for your blog
  • Structure and write a blog post
  • Choose a blogging platform 
  • Boost your blog’s visibility

This course is a starting point for blogging as a researcher. By the end you will have created your first blog post. Are you looking for a broader introduction into outreach via traditional and social media? Take a look at Academic Outreach. 


This is course alternates theory and practise. It consists of two group sessions, an individual feedback session in which the trainer offers personal feedback and advice and homework assignments. You will improve your writing and scientific story-telling skills while working on your own first blog post. The following topics will be addressed: 

  • Developing a blogging strategy
  • What to blog about (and what not to blog about)
  • Writing techniques
  • Publication on WordPress 
  • Distribution of your blog post

Practical information

  • You can register for this course using the registration buttons on the right side of this page. Please note the difference between Staff (employee of Leiden University) and Extern/LUmc (e.g. extern, self-funded researchers or employee at LUmc). 
  • The course is free of charge for employee- and contract PhD candidates. Please check our Terms and Conditions.
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