Universiteit Leiden

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Didactics | Career development

PhD course Research Data Management

Managing your data during and after your research project is essential. In this course you will learn how to write a Data Management Plan (DMP) according to the regulations of Leiden University.

Target group
PhD candidate
Ellen Touwen  (Staff Member Information Management) Vanessa Köstner  (Data Steward) Pascal Flohr  (Digital Scholarship Librarian) Loubna Haddad  (Privacy Officer)

Planning how to deal with your data during and after your research project is considered to be essential nowadays. Leiden University has adopted a regulation that states that researchers have to write a data management plan before the start of each research project. Funders like NWO and ERC require you to add a data management paragraph in your proposal.

The course aims to provide you with guidelines that help you understand how to manage the digital data you collect throughout your research in accordance with university and funder requirements.

Topics covered

In this workshop we will briefly discuss the University’s and funder requirements. We will help you answer some of the questions that are commonly addressed in a data management plan:

  • What kind of data will you be collecting?
  • Where will you store your data?
  •  With whom and how will you share your data?
  • How will others be able to understand the data?
  • How will you preserve your data for the long term?

We also reserve time for filling out the university's data management plan template

What you will learn?

Participants will have a basic understanding of the principles of good data management and will write a data management plan.


Two sessions of 3.5 to 4 hours with presentations and handouts and one final session with presenting the DMP you have written as part of the course. Between the second and final session you have 5 weeks to write you DMP and have to send it in one week before the presentation session. Participants will bring their own device to write a first version of a data management plan. Afterwards, participants will receive additional information and feedback to help them finalise their own data management plan.


The sessions are in principle on location on the following dates:

  • Session 1: Monday 31 March 2025, 09.00 - 13.00 hrs., room 2.17 in Wijnhaven
  • Session 2: Monday 7 April 2025, 09.00 - 13.00 hrs., room 2.19 in Wijnhaven
  • Session 3: Monday 10 May 2025, 09.00 - 13.00 hrs., room 2.17 in Wijnhaven


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