Universiteit Leiden

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Website additions and amendments

Do you want to post an announcement or report any content that needs changing? If so, please contact the web editorial team for your faculty or department.


Placing news items about your research on the University website can help bring your research findings to a wider audience. Your senior editor can help you contact the right people. This would be your own faculty web editorial team, the press communication adviser or the University's central editors. Even if your news does not relate to research, you can talk to your faculty's editorial team or the University's editors.

Profile page

All members of staff at the University have their own profile page on the website. The information shown on your profile page is in part generated by various underlying systems. Read here how you can change these details yourself or have them changed

Internal newsletter

The internal newsletter is compiled and sent by the central staff editors every Tuesday afternoon. If you would like to provide input for the newsletter, such as an announcement or a calendar item, submit your input before 12.00 on Thursday to: medewerkersportal@leidenuniv.nl. This gives enough time for topics and texts to be reviewed, edited and translated. Always deliver the required information as completely and clearly as possible in one message. Do not forward long e-mail exchanges.

Please note that submitting a text on time does not guarantee publication. The staff editorial team has the right to alter or refuse content.

Agenda, courses and announcements

Would you like to publish an agenda item, a course or an announcement on the website? Then submit the completed template for agenda items or the completed template for courses or an announcement in Word (maximum of 500 words) to the staff editor .

Would you like to request any changes?

If you have a question about the website, your first point of contact is the web editorial team for your faculty or department. If you have a request or a question for one of the central editorial teams, you can read how to go about this below. 

Have you got questions or comments about the website? Are you having trouble finding something? In this case, please contact the central editorial team.

Do changes need to be made to information that is specific to a faculty or institute? In this case, you can contact the web editorial team for your faculty or department.

Are you responsible for certain texts or sections of the student website and would you like to request changes? In this case you can send your request to the central editorial team for the student website: Contact SOZ communication

Do changes need to be made to information that is specific to a faculty or institute? In this case, you can contact the web editorial team for your faculty or department.

Are you responsible for the content of texts or parts of the  staff website or organisation guide and do you want to change something? If so, you can send a message to the central staff editorial team via medewerkersportal@leidenuniv.nl.

We try to respond to your request within three working days. Once we have dealt with your request, you will receive a message from us. If we expect this will take more time, we will let you know.

To help us to process your request quickly, we would ask you to communicate your change as follows:

  • Always indicate the link of the page that you want to amend.
  • Provide the information as completely and clearly as possible in one message. Do not send long e-mail exchanges.
  • If you have several amendments, submit them as far as possible in one go. A bulleted list is allowed! Or paste the old text in a Word document with track changes.
  • Make changes to the English page in the same way. If you don't have an English text yet, please indicate this clearly so we can have the text translated.
  • Are there any attachments or images? Give the files a clear name and let us know where they should be placed.

Do changes need to be made to information that is specific to a faculty or institute? In this case, you can contact the web editorial team for your faculty or department.

Are you responsible for the content of certain texts or sections of the library website and would you like to request changes? If so, you can send your request to the central editorial team for the library: communicatie@library.leidenuniv.nl.

Are you responsible for the content of certain texts or sections of the e-Prospectus and would you like to request changes? If so, you can send your request to the editor for your faculty or departement.

For technical changes, please contact studiegids@sea.leidenuniv.nl

If you would like to add a course, please go to your faculty's tab on the e-Prospectus page. If there is no faculty tab, please contact the editor for your faculty or departement.

Your research page online

How visible is your research? An up-to-date project page increases the findability of your research project and makes you part of the Institute of Psychology's online research. Use the form to submit information for your research project page.

An up-to-date research project page is the ideal way to:

  • Share your research with researchers inside and outside Leiden University for possible collaboration;
  • Be visible and findable for grant makers;
  • Link content about your research to your profile page.

Part of the whole

You will help to make external parties interested in ongoing research within the Institute of Psychology. You give insight to the innovative and socially relevant psychology research at Leiden University by being part of all online research projects of the Institute of Psychology.

Use the form to update an existing research project page. You do not have to fill in the entire form again to do this. Fill in at least:

  • The name of the research project and the contact person; 
  • The fields that have changed; 
  • To the fields for information that should remain unchanged: ‘no changes’.

Small changes

If you only want a new end date or a grantor to be added, for example, you may also email FSW - Web editorial team Psychology directly:  webteam.psy@FSW.leidenuniv.nl 

  • You can use copies of texts you have already used elsewhere, for example, from previous news items or research proposals;
  • You only need to fill in the form in Dutch or English. We will take care of the translations so that your research project page is part of both the Dutch and English university website;
  • Use the same keywords as the ones you have on your profile page as much as possible. This way, these keywords will link your profile page to the research project page;
  • For the end date, use the expected end date of the project or grant(s). You can always change the end date at a later time;
  • Take a look at other research project pages to see the possibilities for your research project page.


Each research project has a set structure:

  • Introduction
  • Research question or aim
  • Method
  • Supplementary information

Own contribution

Do you want to personalise your research project page. You can do so using the texts you provide, an appropriate and distinctive image and any links.

Fill in the form

You can finish filling in the form at a later time. To do so, click on ‘store entries, finish later’ at the bottom of the form. You will receive a code on the next page. Save this code to resume filling in the form.

Navigate to the research project form page

Profile service

Is your staff profile still up to date? Read more about the profile service for your online profile page.

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