Damage and insurance
Has a university building or university property been damaged? If so, it is important that you report this. There are different procedures for reporting incidents during and outside office hours and in emergencies.
Reporting damage during office hours
It is important that damage to a university building is reported as soon as possible. You can report damage using this form. You can only access this form with a ULCN account. Employees and students without a ULCN account can report damage by mailing verzekering@vastgoed.leidenuniv.nl. You will then receive the form via email.
If you have trouble filling in the form, contact the Service Desk in your building. If your building does not have a Service Desk or if you urgently need to speak to someone directly, you can report the damage by calling (90)1191. If there is no answer, please contact (90)3029 of 06-14338425 or send an email to verzekering@vastgoed.leidenuniv.nl
Reporting damage outside office hours
In urgent cases outside office hours (5.30 PM - 8.30 AM), please call Huschka’s emergency number: 071 402 0401. In case of a real emergency, call 112 first.