Universiteit Leiden

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At Leiden University, cleaning is organised at central level by the General Services Department (UFB). Leiden University has contracted a new cleaning services provider as of 1 January 2025 for a maximum of eight years.

Summary of the cleaning schedule

  • Offices are cleaned once a week on a set day, which may vary across departments;
  • Meeting rooms and venues are cleaned three times a week;
  • Washrooms in the buildings are cleaned several times a day, depending on their location;
  • There will be one follow-up round;
  • On weekends only the study areas and washrooms that are open are cleaned.

Periodic cleaning

Periodic cleaning activities such as spraying floors and thorough cleaning of sanitary facilities are performed during the day. In the process we try to interfere as little as possible with daily working activities.

Glass Cleaning 

A window cleaner comes twice a year to clean the windows both inside and out. For the inside, they pass on a schedule to the building manager, who shares it with the building users. 

When a window washer comes by, we ask that you empty the window sills and make the windows accessible. The window washers are not allowed to climb on/under desks and there must be at least 60cm of space to reach the windows. If this is not the case, windows will not be cleaned. 

Questions and wishes

All cleaning is checked frequently. If you are nevertheless dissatisfied or if you have any questions, please contact the service desk of your faculty or unit.

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