House rules
All persons making use of Leiden University buildings and grounds must comply with the general University house rules. These are listed in the Regulations on the Use of University Buildings, Grounds and Other Facilities, and are intended to guarantee order and safety for guests and staff alike.
In addition to the University Regulations, some University locations also have their own house rules. Violation of the local house rules or the University Regulations may lead to exclusion from a building.
Read the arrangement
Use of university buildings, terrains and other facilities regulation
Read the arrangementThe Faculty of Science has a number of house rules. The aim of these rules is to guarantee order and safety for visitors and employees in the buildings.
House rules
Leiden University considers a healthy working environment as important. From 1 August 2020, smoking on the premises of Leiden University will be prohibited.
Leiden University, affiliated with the Healthy Universities Network, wants to offer staff members and students a healthy and smoke-free learning and working environment with smoke-free premises. The new policy helps people who want to quit smoking and protects non-smokers from smoke nuisance and passive smoking.
Questions? Please contact the Service desk.
From her responsibility to the community and the environment, FWN has drawn up clear guidelines regarding "Flyers and gluing". This is to keep the current flow of information manageable and to prevent paper waste.
These guidelines are intended for (commercial) organisations and/ or institutes/ departments that want to publish, display or otherwise promote activities within or around the faculty.
Flyers are subject to a general prohibition within the faculty. Placing stands or distributing flyers or advertising brochures, is also prohibited, both inside and outside the FWN buildings.
Stick on
- It is important that the topic on the posters is relevant to a large group of staff/ students, and preferably has a link with the study or research.
- Advertising and political and discriminatory statements are not allowed.
- Posting may only be done at the designated locations.
Promotional activities
For questions regarding the possibilities, please contact the Faculty Board.
General display house rules
- Unambiguous appearance of poster locations, both in furnishing and in facilities
- The display locations are unambiguously chosen by Facility Affairs.
- Poster boards can be made temporarily available in consultation with Facility Management, if this has been requested in advance and a clear period has been agreed. It is important that the applicant knows that it is temporary.
- If institutes / departments still need more space for their communication, they can request this and this will be discussed within Facility Affairs.
- Institutes determine the layout of their corridors themselves; considering the general building rules in the field of signage, safety and art & curiosities. If this does not happen or damage occurs, this will be recorded with the institute manager.
Working safely outside regular opening hours
Working safely is our standard. In the Faculty of Science, we together ensure a safe working environment. During the day, and also outside the regular opening hours of our buildings. We are all responsible for a safe working environment. Together.
Together, we can minimise the risk of accidents and damage. For yourself, your colleagues and your working environment.
From 31 March 2025, the following safety measures apply to working in faculty buildings outside regular opening hours:
You need permission from your supervisor to work outside regular opening hours. To get this, fill in an online permission form. Permission to work outside opening hours granted before 31 March 2025 remains valid until March 2026. Permission to work in the buildings after regular opening hours is granted for the duration of one year. You apply for permission again every year.
You have completed fire extinguisher training and online safety training. This must be retaken every year. There is a clearance period until March 2026.
The training courses will be available from March 2026. -
Before working outside regular opening hours, you have arranged for a buddy. This colleague is within hearing or sight distance of you. Exceptions apply for short-term activities.
You check in and out with a QR code if you work outside regular opening hours.
Work of the highest risk level only takes place during the day. Not sure whether the work you want to do falls under the risk level? If so, contact your supervisor or colleagues from the Faculty's Safety Department first.
These regulations are in place because it is important to know who is in our buildings in case of emergencies. It is also important that everyone is adequately trained if an emergency occurs.
Working safely is our standard. Science wants to be a safe working environment for everyone and minimise the risk of accidents and damage.
The regulations apply to all employees (academic and support staff) and all students.
These are the Gorlaeus Building, Huygens, Oort, Snellius and Sylvius.
Four things: you request permission from your supervisor via the online permission form, you have followed a fire extinguisher training course and an online safety training course, you are together with a buddy AND you scan the QR code on arrival and departure to check in and out.
Via the online permission form, you apply for permission to work outside opening hours. Your supervisor will receive the form you fill in and then approve or disapprove. If you agree, the permission form will then be forwarded for a check by the Safety Department (Arbo- en Milieudienst) to ensure that you have followed the training courses, among other things. If they also agree, the form is forwarded to Facility Services, which will put the right of access on your LU card.
In principle, this consent procedure takes a maximum of nine working days.
The permission is valid for 1 year after being granted.
The training courses are in preparation. Therefore, until March 2026, the tolerance period, you can request permission from your supervisor without attending the training courses. The training courses will be available from March 2026.
The training courses must be completed every year when you renew your permission.
A buddy is a colleague you meet with when you want to work outside opening hours.
Your buddy and you are within hearing or sight distance in the building where you work. So find a buddy in your own department or laboratory. Without a buddy, you cannot work in the buildings outside regular opening hours.
There are 2 exceptions:
For work outside regular opening hours in animal/plant care
For work outside regular opening hours that takes less than 45 minutes and is location- and time-related. That is, you can only perform them at a specific time and within our premises. For example, culturing bacteria.
If these two exceptions apply, you get an overturn protection from the reception of the Gorlaeus Building.
It is essential to know who is inside our buildings outside regular opening hours in case there is an emergency.
Checking in and out is essential to know who is present in the buildings.
You can find them in the night entrance and exit that remain open outside opening hours and in this link.
In that case, you still check out as soon as possible. This can also be done online via this link <link>.
The collection, processing and management of personal data is done according to the AVG regulations.
In case of an emergency, we want to be able to reach you quickly.
Then go to the QR code < link> at your workplace and check in after all.
You can find the opening hours of our buildings here.