Your opinion counts: LGBT+ Network survey on LGBT+ community’s needs
The Honours Academy has developed a survey for the university’s LGBT+ Network. It is part of a study on how the network can support LGBT+ students and staff. Help the Academy and fill in the questionnaire. It will take five to ten minutes.
Understanding people’s needs
The research project focuses on how the LGBT+ Network can develop and best support the community. The network also wants to facilitate more contact between students and staff from the LGBT+ community at the different faculties. The study results will help the researchers understand people’s needs and develop strategies to foster diversity and inclusion.
Follow-up interview
After completing the questionnaire, you can choose to explain your answers in a follow-up interview. That will take between 15 and 30 minutes. Good to know: your answers will only be available to the researchers (Ghada Abukhater and Vittoria Giudice).