Universiteit Leiden

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Work Experience Survey, what do we do with the results?

4 March 2025

Your job satisfaction and well-being are important – not only for you personally, but also for the university. Therefore, all university employees will soon once again be invited to complete the Work Experience Survey (in Dutch Medewerkers Werkbelevingsonderzoek). From 6 May, you will find an invitation in your mailbox. 

The last Work Experience Survey (named Personnel monitor)  was held in 2022. The results of that survey showed that we have much to be proud of. On average, Leiden Law School employees scored high on enthusiasm and engagement. They were also very satisfied with topics such as work opportunities/home working arrangements, autonomy, inclusion and sustainable employability. Our staff gave their work situation a 7.4 on average. 

Areas of concern

There were clear areas of concern in relation to psychological safety, work-life balance and employee onboarding, particularly for international staff.  

What did we do with the results of the 2022 survey? 

The results of the survey were discussed at all institute and departmental meetings. These discussions focused on topics that were considered particularly important. For instance, clear agreements on planning and work distribution were made, an institute meeting on work-life balance was organised and several departments started working with team coaches. 

The HR department also took the results of the 2022 Personnel monitor into account when drawing up its annual plans. It chose to focus on the following topics: 

Investing in leadership Work-life balance Facilitating a good conversation Welcoming our new employees
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