Facility, Organisation
Change of tasks management assistants Archaeology
Recently, the duties of the management assistants within the Faculty of Archaeology were redistributed. This follows a study and advice on how this could be divided more effectively and efficiently, conducted by Johan Verweij and Quentin Bourgeois. This reallocation will result in changed support for the various departments and the Faculty Bureau. The new tasks and responsibilities are explained below.
Caroline Hagedoorn will now be responsible for supporting the Heads of Department of World Archaeology and Heritage & Society. Ilone de Vries will provide support to the Head of the Archaeological Sciences department. Both will no longer take minutes at departmental meetings and will therefore no longer be present at these. For some time now, we have been applying more strictly the once established scope of support for the departments, which is limited to support for the Heads of Department.
In addition to her work for the Head of Department, Ilone works within the HR and Finance teams. In doing so, she contributes, among other things, to the smooth progress of operational processes.
Caroline fulfils the role of secretary to the Faculty Board. She also supports the work of the Executive Director and helps organise Field School 1.
Yvonne Haring's work will not change; she will support the Dean in his work. When requesting appointments with the Dean, please include Yvonne in the Cc; she will then schedule the appointment.
Office supplies and room reservations
Office supplies can be obtained from Caroline Hagedoorn (room A2.18), Yvonne Haring (room A2.12) and Ilone de Vries (room C0.14). Requests for reservations of the Corrie Bakels Room (A2.02a) and the Reuvens Hall can be sent by e-mail to:
- Caroline Hagedoorn (c.c.e.hagedoorn@arch.leidenuniv.nl)
- Yvonne Haring (y.m.haring@arch.leidenuniv.nl)
- Ilone de Vries (a.t.j.m.de.vries@arch.leidenuniv.nl)