Universiteit Leiden

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Organisation, Research

New Leiden University Copyright Regulations: what you need to know

10 February 2025

Leiden University has published copyright regulations for different types of academic output. These have gone through extensive consultation in the faculties. It is also a living document that can be updated when necessary.

The Employer Copyright Regulations make clear who owns the copyright for different types of output and what the guidelines are for sharing this output. What do the different Creative Commons Licences mean? And where can you find support for sharing your output?

The regulations explicitly give researchers and teachers the freedom to share publications and other material with a Creative Commons license. Based on our Open Science ambitions and our work towards becoming an open knowledge community, Leiden University recommends choosing a CC-0 licence for some types of data and a CC BY or CC BY-SA licence for other research output and for teaching materials.

Licenses for software and source code can also be arranged by contacting the Centre for Digital Scholarship (email: cds@library.leidenuniv.nl).

The regulations are binding for all employees as well as affiliates (e.g., students and professors by appointment) who do not have a labour agreement with the university.

More information

Curious to know more about these regulations? Read this blog from the Centre For Digital Scholarship. Also, feel free to contact any of the people who helped to draft the regulations: Erna Sattler (Copyright Expert), Karlijn Hermans (Open Science Coordinator) and Anneke Hendriks (Board Secretary/Policy Adviser). In the regulations, you will also find contact details specific to many situations and topics.

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