Universiteit Leiden

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Come to the strike planning meetings in Leiden and The Hague

25 February 2025

The Dutch universities are taking staggered strike action in March against the planned cuts. The strike begins in Leiden on Monday 10 March. In the run-up to this, WOinActie and the unions are holding meetings to prepare for the strike. This is your chance to get answers to your questions and find out about how you can join the strike.

Strike planning meetings

The number of meetings is growing so watch this space for new ones. You can attend in person or online.

Faculty/Department Date and time Location
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Wednesday 26 February, 10:00 - 11:00

Pieter de La Court, 1AA01

Faculty of Archeology Thursday 27 February, 12:00 - 13:00 Van Steenis, E0.01
Leiden Law School Monday 3 March, 10:00 - 11:00 KOG, A0.08
Administration and Central Services Tuesday 4 March, 10:00 - 11:00 Academy Building, Social and Behavioural Sciences Faculty Room
Faculty of Science Tuesday 4 March, 14:00 - 15:00

Gorlaeus, DM1.09

Faculty of Humanities Tuesday 4 March, 16:00 - 17:00 Herta Mohr, 0.02
Leiden University College Woensdag 5 March, 10:00-11:00 LUC (Anna van Buerenplein 301), 3.07
Governance and Global Affairs Wednesday 5 March, 12:00 - 13:00 Wijnhaven, 3.46
University of Applied Sciences Leiden Thursday 6 March, 14:00 - 15:00 F2.082
Online meeting Friday 7 March, 10:00 - 11:00 Online

Initiators of the strike

The staggered strike is the initiative of the FNV and AOB unions, the LSVb student union and WOinActie. In their statement, they stress the importance of Leiden University staff having their voice heard and end by saying: ‘Join us, talk to colleagues, inform students and be there on 10 March! The more people, the louder we will shout: Kabinet Schoof, Doe Het Niet (Schoof Administration, Don’t do it!)’

Executive Board supports the initiative but university to remain open

The Executive Board fully supports the initiative and understands that students and staff want to have their voices heard against the planned cuts and the erosion of higher education. The university supports the strike but is not closing. Read more in this news article.

Join the teach-outs

Further information on the strike programme, location and more will follow soon. The strike action on 10 March will include a teach-out in solidarity with the entire education sector. Preparations are already underway for this. If you would like to teach at a school or other public organisation, fill in the form and contact the action committee or go to the Teach Out channel in Teams Action HO Budget Cuts.

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