ICT, Research
Research Support @ FSW web pages updated

The Research Support @ FSW web pages have had an update. The website now provides researchers with information about all stages of their research at FSW. We have added extra information and expanded the number of topics. You will find, for example:
- Research Desk - Information and support for acquiring individual and/or collaborative grants. From funding to writing proposals, financing and regulations.
- Research data management - The RDM professionals provide you with info and advice about everything related to data management. Don't forget to check out their wiki and pubpub page!
- WMO - All you need to know about the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO), including the new FSW WMO advisory committee.
We are still adding content, so make sure to come back every now and then. As always, technical information on (support for) research software and equipment can be found on the SOLO Research Wiki.