Universiteit Leiden

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Education, ICT

New: Teaching staff need to log on and log off in lecture rooms

27 January 2025

During the month of January, the Windows 11 operating system will be installed on all the computers in the lecture rooms ('presentation points'). If you do not use the lecture room computers, for example because you connect a laptop to the screen, then this information is not relevant for you.

What does this mean for you as teaching staff?

For the use of a presentation point, this means that from now on you will need to log on with your university account, and log off again afterwards.

  • Please ensure that you arrive on time to log on. Also, make sure that you know your password! Logging in takes very little time, because you do not need to use MFA (Multi Factor Authentication), unless you need your Microsoft account (for example to access files in Teams or OneDrive).
  • Do you have a guest who will give a lecture? An external or visiting teaching staff member who needs the computer in a lecture room will need a guest account. You can arrange this beforehand, see Applying for a guest or external account. Guests can, of course, also connect their own laptop directly to the screen. Students who need to give a presentation can use their own laptop.

What else is important to know?

After logging on, your desktop will appear on the screen. This means that your own opening screen will appear, with any shortcuts that may be visible on your desktop. If you do not wish these to be seen, then you are advised to clear up your desktop beforehand and hide any privacy sensitive information that is there.

Why do we need to log on to a presentation point from now on?

Leiden University is switching to Windows 11 because Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10. After the upgrade of the presentation points to Windows 11, for security reasons it will no longer be possible to use these screens without logging on with your university account.

Working with Windows 11 is more secure and complies with the university’s GDPR and security requirements. All university-managed Windows desktops and laptops are currently being upgraded to Windows 11 as well.

Questions and support

If you have any questions about the new way of working, please view our frequently asked questions and answers. If you need help in using a presentation point, you can contact one of the support services. See Support for online teaching. Finally: remember to log off after your lecture.


Presentation points will be upgraded at the university locations during different weeks.

  • Week 2 (from 6 to 10 January): Sterrewacht, KOG, Academiegebouw, Arsenaal, Gorlaeus, Van Steenis and Snellius
  • Week 3 (from 13 to 17 January): Wijnhaven, Stichthage, Schouwburgstraat and Anna van Bueren
  • Week 4 (20 to 24 January): Pieter de la Court and Sylvius
  • Week 5 (27 to 31 January): Lipsius, P.J. Veth and Herta Mohr

Frequently asked questions and answers about Windows 11 on presentation points

In the month of January, all lecture room computers will be upgraded to Windows 11. This means that everyone who wishes to use the computers in the lecture rooms and meeting rooms will need to log on.

A presentation point is the computer that controls the screen in a lecture room or meeting room.

For security reasons, you will need to log on to the computers in the lecture room to give a lecture from now on, using your ULCN account (and you need to log off again afterwards). Otherwise, the computers will work as before. You can, of course, also simply connect your laptop. Please note that you remember to log off afterwards.

You can log on with your personal ULCN account and current password. MFA (multi factor authentication) is not necessary. It is expected to take a few minutes, at most. Please arrive at the lecture room on time to sign in. 

A couple of tips:

  • Make sure you know your password.
  • If you also need to open your Microsoft account (for example to access files in Teams, OneDrive or Outlook), then you will need MFA, so remember to bring your phone.

You will need to log on every time you use the presentation point. In principle, this should not take long. The presentation point will not remember your local profile. 

After logging on, your desktop will appear on the screen. This means that your own opening screen will appear, with any shortcuts that may be visible on your desktop. If you do not wish these to appear, then you are advised to clear up your desktop beforehand and hide any privacy sensitive information that is there. 

If you choose to also log on to your Microsoft 365 account, then your Teams and Outlook notifications will not be visible onscreen. This feature has been removed. 

External or guest teaching staff will need a guest account. You can apply for a guest account, see Applying for a guest or external account. A guest can, of course, also connect their own laptop to the screen. Students who need to give a presentation can use their own laptop.

Have you invited a guest to come and give a presentation and who needs a guest account? You can arrange this beforehand through Applying for a guest or external account.

After logging on, you can work as normal. PowerPoint is locally available for you on the presentation point, as is a local version of Microsoft Office (with Word and Excel). But if you need your own files, then you will need to access them by logging on to your Microsoft account. 

Yes, the USB port is still accessible. You do need to log on to the computer beforehand to use it.

To log off, you can select the log off button (shortcut) on the desktop. Or, go to your profile, click on the three dots at the top right of your screen, there you will see the log off option. If you do not log off by yourself, then your account will be automatically logged off after 15 minutes of inactivity.

In principle, after 15 minutes of inactivity, an account is automatically logged off. If the person before you did not log off, then you can log off that other account with the log off button.

If you need help in using a presentation point, you can contact one of the support services. See Support for online teaching.

Yes, if you do not wish to use the computer in the lecture room, you can use a laptop or a USB stick.

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