Changes to guidelines on knowledge exploitation
New guidelines apply to knowledge exploitation at Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) with effect from 1 January 2025. These guidelines provide clarity on the protection and exploitation of research findings and intellectual property, among other things, including such issues as discoveries, patents, software and questionnaires.
Applying knowledge in a societal or economic context increases the impact of our scientific research and is in line with our core task of ensuring knowledge valorisation. You can read more in the guidelines, including about the following issues:
- What rights and duties apply with regard to protecting and exploiting knowledge;
- What intellectual property rights are and who holds these rights;
- What happens with the income generated from knowledge exploitation;
- What arrangements apply for setting up a spin-off company.
The guidelines apply to staff and students. LURIS, Leiden University’s valorisation office, plays a key role in providing guidance.
The main changes that apply from 1 January are as follows.
Division of income
Income from knowledge exploitation will from now on be divided in line with a new ‘1/3 rule’:
- 1/3 for discoverers or makers, etc. (with an individual maximum of one million euros and a group maximum of four million);
- 1/3 for the institutes or expertise centres involved;
- 1/3 goes to the central university budget for innovation.
- Scientists who start up their own spin-off company can acquire a maximum of 4.9% of the shares if they have a full-time appointment. Higher percentages are possible in the event of part-time working (up to a maximum of 50% for 0.5 FTE).
- Once a spin-off has been founded, LURIS can decide that a scientist may own more shares for a short period of time (12-24 months).
- Participation in a spin-off must be notified to the supervisor promptly.
Reporting obligation
All new inventions etc., must be notified to LURIS using the Knowledge Disclosure Form (KDF).
More information and the full guidelines are available on the staff website. If you have any further questions, please contact LURIS.
The Regulations on Knowledge Exploitation derive from the Regulations on Working for Third Parties (2015), which were divided into two sections in January 2025: the Regulations on Knowledge Exploitation and the Regulations on Working for and with Third Parties. The Regulations on Working for and with Third Parties describe the correct way to acquire funding from third parties. The Regulations on Knowledge Exploitation lay out the rules that apply to all activities at the university, not just activities with and for third parties.