Reappointment of Director of Research Lotte van Dillen and Director of Education Pascal Haazebroek

The Executive Board is pleased to announce that Research Director Lotte van Dillen and Director of Education Pascal Haazebroek have been reappointed by the Faculty Board for a new three-year term.
Their continued leadership not only acknowledges their outstanding work over the past years but also ensures needed continuity during a time of challenges and opportunities. Due to Pascal’s and Lotte's dedication, important strides have been made in recent years in the development and professionalisation of both education and research within our Institute.
With their vision and commitment, they will continue to build towards the future and carry on their meaningful work during this new term. We look forward to another period of intensive and productive collaboration and wish Lotte and Pascal success and enjoyment in their new term of office.
On behalf of the Executive Board,
Hanneke Hulst