Universiteit Leiden

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Call for proposals: NETSPAR Theme grant (deadline 24 January)

17 December 2024

Netspar (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement) supports innovative academic research on all aspects of pensions, aging and retirement. Netspar encompasses a large variety of academic disciplines ranging from economics (including finance, business, marketing) to law, sociology, psychology, communication, epidemiology and applied data science. We invite applications for Theme Grants for research projects with a duration of three years, for a maximum of €350k per project. This year, Netspar, together with co-funding partner intend to fund three to four Theme Grants (for a total amount of €1.05-1.4 million).

More information about the grant and how to apply can be found on the NETSPAR website. The deadline for the (one-page) proposal is 24 January 2025.

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