Universiteit Leiden

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Adjusted opening hours Humanities buildings from 1 January 2025

12 December 2024

The opening hours for the buildings of the Faculty of Humanities will be adjusted from 1 January 2025 onward. The new situation is as follows:

  • The whole campus will be closed on Sundays.
  • During the yearly summer closing the whole campus will be closed during the weekend.
  • All buildings other than Lipsius (Arsenaal, Herta Mohr, Huizinga, P.J. Veth, Reuvensplaats) close at 20:00hrs on weekdays and Saturdays. Want to work on campus after 8PM? There are four flex spaces available for staff in the Lipsius building: rooms 1.41/1.42/1.43/1.45. These are available until Lipsius closes (22:00hrs) and can be opened via LU-card.
  • Both parking garages (Maliebaan Noord en Maliebaan Zuid) maintain their usual opening hours.
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