Tips for your administration in Shuttel
We’ve been using Shuttel to track our travel and homeworking days for a week now. The response has been positive but there are many questions too. Many staff found answers at the drop-in sessions in the first week. These have proved very popular and more sessions will be held this week.
You now log your homeworking days, commuting and domestic travel in the Shuttel app or My Shuttel (log in via the organisational SSO). Here are a few more tips for your administration in Shuttel:
- You don’t need to enter your homeworking days, commuting or domestic travel every day. You can also do so in one go at the end of the month. To receive your allowances, you need to log everything in Shuttel by the last day of the subsequent month. So log everything for the month of November by 31 December.
- You can make your journey from home to work a repeating journey. This makes it a favourite trip, which means you won’t have to enter it each time. See the quick guide to find out how.
- Domestic business travel is termed ‘business’ in Shuttel. When logging a journey make sure you choose the right type of trip: business or commute. The pictograms show the type of journey:

- It will take a little while for a public transport journey to appear under ‘administration’ in Shuttel. Train (NS) journeys take 24 hours to process and bus, metro or tram journeys can take up to five days.
- You can still use the ‘old’ process to submit expense claims for business trips taken before 31 October.
- You can only use your Shuttel card for private travel if you have authorised Shuttel to set up a direct debit to pay for such trips. If you have not authorised Shuttel for private travel, the university will have to pay for these trips, which is incorrect because you should not be claiming expenses for personal travel. The sum will therefore be deducted from your next salary.
Update the Shuttel app from next week
You will receive an email from Shuttel next week asking you to update the app. This is to ensure your domestic business travel is processed correctly. The update will allow you to add an SAP number (or project code) to business trips with your own and public transport. This ensures that your business travel is allocated the correct project code and helps speed up administration processes.
Questions about Shuttel? Come to a walk-in session
Want to know how to record your travel or homeworking days in the app? Or do you have any other questions about using the app or My Shuttel? Come to one of the Shuttel drop-in sessions:
- Mon 11 November 9.00-12.30, Lipsius, UFB desk ground floor
- Tue 12 November 9.00-12.30, ICT desk Gorlaeus building
- Tue 12 November 13.30-17.00, Service desk second floor, Wijnhaven building, The Hague
- Mon 18 November 10.00 -13.30, Kamerlingh Onnes building, restaurant second floor
More information
See the Shuttel introduction page for different travel scenarios, user instructions and contact detail for help with further questions. You can also view the quick guide on the staff website or read the FAQ.