Human resources, Security
Reminder: give your opinion on the reporting and complaints facilities for issues of social safety
There are several different ways of reporting or submitting complaints about issues of social safety in higher education. You can help to improve these facilities by taking part in research about them. So complete the questionnaire about reporting and complaints facilities for issues of social safety in higher education.
Your responses are completely anonymous. You can also choose to stop completing the questionnaire at any point. You can complete the questionnaire till 13 January.
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Complete the questionnaireAbout the research
Andersson Elffers Felix (AEF) and the Kohnstamm Institute are conducting research, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, into the functioning of reporting and complaints facilities for issues of social safety in higher education.
Social safety at Leiden University
If you experience or notice inappropriate or transgressive behaviour, there are a number of steps you can take. Visit the Social Safety page for further information.