Questions about Shuttel? See the instructions or come to a walk-in session
From 1 November, we will record our travel and homeworking days in Shuttel. If you have registered for your Shuttel card, you will be sent it at your home address. If you have not yet registered, check your mailbox for a mail from Shuttel: they will send a reminder every Wednesday. Once you receive your card, you will also need to activate it. The accompanying letter from Shuttel explains how, or take a look at Start using Shuttel. Make sure you also download the Shuttel app. To log in to the app, use your VUW email address. This quick guide shows you how the app works (currently only in Dutch, an English quick guide will be available by 1 November).

If you do not receive your Shuttel card until after 1 November, as an exception you will be able to submit a claim for your public transport expenses from 1 November in the Shuttel app. To do so use the ‘declaration’ button (see instructions in quick guide). Once you receive your Shuttel card, use this to record your travel by public transport. You will receive an email from Shuttel saying that your public transport travel products are ready. This means you have to go to an NS ticket machine at the nearest train station to activate your Shuttel card or to an OV-chipkaart machine. These can be found in supermarkets and shops, for example. Use the service points finder to find one near you.
How to use the app: see the quick guide
For a preview of the Shuttel app and an idea of how it works, see this quick guide (currently only in Dutch, an English version will be published by 1 November) and the films below:
- New users: getting started (registering and activating)
- How do I assign a travel motive?
- How do I register my work from home days?
Questions about Shuttel? Come to a walk-in session
Want to know how to record your travel or homeworking days in the app? Or do you have any other questions about using the app or My Shuttel? Come to one of the Shuttel drop-in sessions:
- Mon 4 November 9.00-12.30, Main hall, Oude UB, Rapenburg 70
- Mon 4 November 13.30-17.00, Willem Einthoven building, first floor
- Tue 5 November 13.30-17.00, Zuidhal, University Library
- Thu 7 November 9.00-12.30, Main hall, Van Steenis Building
- Thu 7 November 13.30-17.00, Pieter de la Court building, Servicedesk ground floor
- Mon 11 November 9.00-12.30, Lipsius, UFB desk ground floor
- Tue 12 November 9.00-12.30, ICT desk Gorlaeus building
- Tue 12 November 13.30-17.00, Service desk second floor, Wijnhaven building, The Hague
All Leiden University staff must use Shuttel
Whether you work from home or the office, live close by or far away, travel by public transport or by car or bike, whether you do or do not make domestic business trips: from 1 November, all staff must use Shuttel. Only then will you receive your allowances. Please note, you may only travel with Shuttel from 1 November onward. You will be charged for travel before that date.
When should you use Shuttle? To record...
- Homeworking days. Only then will you receive your homeworking and internet allowance. Use the Shuttel app or My Shuttel.
- Commuting by public transport. When you use your Shuttel card your journey will automatically be recorded in the app. If you are making a trip regularly, you can mark it as a recurring trip in the app.
- Commuting by private transport (by car or bike, for example) more than 10 kilometres (and maximum 45 kilometres per single journey). Only then will you receive a maximum travel allowance for 35 kilometres. Use the Shuttel app or My Shuttel.
- Commuting less than 10 kilometres by private transport (such as car or bicycle). Register this in Shuttel even if you will not receive an allowance. Only then will you be able to offset your commuting allowance (through the Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model). We are obliged to record all our CO2 emissions. Use the Shuttel app or My Shuttel.
- Domestic business travel. Use the Shuttel card if you (preferably) travel by public transport or the Shuttel app or My Shuttel if you have permission to travel by your own car.
If you use your own transport for the travel above, recording this in Shuttle will allow you to make use of the option to offset your kilometre allowance through the Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model at a later date.
More information
See the Shuttel introduction page for different travel scenarios, user instructions and contact detail for help with further questions. You can also see the FAQ.