Universiteit Leiden

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Project managers available for externally funded research projects

30 September 2024

A new pool for research project management was set up at the Leiden Research Support Network at the beginning of the year. The experienced project managers in the pool help with (externally funded) research projects and reduce the administrative burden for researchers. The aim is to make it easier and more attractive for researchers to be the coordinators of large consortia and complex collaboration projects.

Read the terms and conditions first to see if you are eligible for this new service.

Why this pool?

Researchers do not always have access to local project management at the university. This new project management pool at LURIS with two experienced project managers offers professional project management to reduce the administrative burden for researchers. Each project manager can support several projects at the same time. This new service is in addition to the existing project management capacity at institutes and faculties. Bringing together different projects will ensure that expertise is not lost but is built, expanded upon and retained within the pool

Who can use this pool?

Researchers awarded external funding for complex collaboration projects (with project management capacity and budget) can request support from one of the project managers.

Benefits of working with a project manager from the pool

 Working with a project manager from the pool means no long recruitment process. A project manager can be selected based on availability and expertise and can set to work as soon as the project starts. The project managers are available for the full life cycle of the project and may also be able to provide support in the start-up phase.

What conditions do applications need to meet?

Researchers with an externally funded project (project management budget) can request project support from the pool when local capacity is not available. The services are tailored to the project, depending on the availability and expertise of the project manager, and the project requirements and budget.


Sign up for the online information session on 5 November from 11:00 to 12:00. You will learn more about the pool, meet the project managers and gain more insight into how to use this service as a researcher or research support professional.


Contact Elka Smith or Francesca Ines Moretto to hear more about the options.

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