Universiteit Leiden

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Effective bilingual communication? Use the Translation Guide

5 September 2024

Did you know that the university has a Translation Guide where you can look up Dutch and English translations of university and education-related words and terminology?  


The Translation Guide also includes guidelines for writing in English at our university. For example, is it Professor Smith or prof.dr. Smith? Do you write January 23rd, or 23 January? Do we use British or American English spelling in our communications? And what about capitalisation, hyphens and decimal points in English? The guidelines help to explain all these things. 


The site also has a useful checklist for English translations. You can use it to make sure you haven't missed out any steps and to improve consistency within your translation.  

The Translation Guide is regularly updated. If something’s not on the list or you’d like to suggest additions or changes, please use the contact form. If you have a quick question or you’d like advice about something English related, you can send an email to communicatie@law.leidenuniv.nl.  

Often need to translate text into English? Add the link to the Translation Guide to your toolbar favourites to keep it within easy reach.

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