Library, Organisation, Research
Avoid extra charges: caps for open access articles almost reached for publishers LWW and Springer
Several agreements between the Dutch Universities (UNL) and academic publishers have set an annual cap: a maximum number of articles that can be published per year in open access at no cost for the authors. We expect to reach this cap at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) mid-September, and at SpringerNature group mid-October 2024. Please note that when the cap has been reached, publishers will invoice individual authors for the open access fees. Make sure you do not inadvertently receive a publishing bill.

How do I prevent extra charges?
Until the cap has been reached, accepted articles are covered by the agreement and authors will not be charged fees for open access. Note, however, that articles are counted towards the cap from the moment of acceptance by the publisher. For articles that have been submitted before the cap is met, but get accepted afterwards, the publisher will charge individual authors with open access costs.
If your article is accepted for publication after the moment the cap is reached, you can still choose to publish your article in open access. You could try to pay the publication fees through, for instance, your research grant or via your institute. The University and LUMC do not have a central budget to cover these publication fees.
Alternatively, you could use one of the other routes to open access for your article. Please check the University Library’s webpages on Open Access for all available options.
A new annual cap will be effective as of 1 January 2025. Articles accepted for publication in 2025 can be published open access again without additional costs, as per the agreements with LWW and SpringerNature.
Notification service
Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, ACS and other publishers have set a cap, like LWW and SpringerNature. Would you like to be informed about the annual maximums of the agreements? Feel free to register for the notification service to receive updates on the agreements and their impending caps.
For any questions about publishing in open access, please don’t hesitate to contact the University Library’s Open Access Team, via