New: access to education data
‘Through measurement to knowledge’ was the catchphrase of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, which is emblazoned on the entrance to this historic building. This credo certainly holds true when it comes to developing sound education policies. The Education Policy department has developed a tool in SharePoint called the ‘Leiden Law School Education Data Monitor’ (in Dutch: Monitor Onderwijsdata FdR). The monitor is used to make education-related management information – such as figures on student intake, graduations and leavers –accessible for everyone at the faculty. Not only does the monitor provide relevant data, it also refers to other sources of education data.

Interested? Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the monitor.
What does the Education Data Monitor show? Where does the information come from? Have information security and privacy rights (including GDPR) been factored in? Who is currently using the monitor? Who else is the Education Data Monitor for? How can I access the Leiden Law School Education Data Monitor?If you already have access to the monitor or want to request it, click here. Currently, the monitor is only available in Dutch.