Universiteit Leiden

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Organisation, Research

Share your ideas for Open Science infrastructure at Leiden University

8 July 2024

Do you, together with your colleagues, have ideas for developing infrastructures that support open science? That’s possible, thanks to the Open Science Infrastructure call from Open Science NL!

Funding is available for both large and small projects. See the Open Science NL website for further details. The deadline to submit pre-proposals is 5 November 2024.

Are you interested? Contact the Academia in Motion team

For this call, it makes sense to cooperate and coordinate as much as possible with departments that have a role in research infrastructure within the university.

The Academia in Motion team is therefore coordinating the application process within Leiden University. Potential applicants can contact the Academia in Motion team at academiainmotion@bb.leidenuniv.nl.

Want to know more about active Open Science calls?

On the Open Science NL website you can find information about active calls from both Open Science NL and NWO for open science initiatives.

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