Universiteit Leiden

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Nominate your social initiative for the KHMW Brouwer Confidence Prize

8 July 2024

The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) is looking for social initiatives that strengthen mutual trust in Dutch society. Until 30 September 2024, anyone can submit initiatives that have a chance to win the Brouwer Confidence Prize. Each entry competes for the first prize of 100,000 euros and the second prize of 50,000 euros.

In recent years, the prize has been awarded to, for example: a foundation that promotes self-help groups for people with a tight budget, a project that helps schools discuss terrorism, a buddy system that matches newcomers with fellow citizens with shared interests, and a free online game that makes people more resilient against fake news. 

Are you the initiator of a project that has proven to be successful in strengthening mutual trust in the Netherlands? Then register your entry before Monday 30 September 2024 via the website of the KHMW Brouwer Confidence Prize (in Dutch)You will also find the application criteria there.

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