Universiteit Leiden

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Intervision for supervisors of PhD students: sign up now!

1 July 2024

Last year, the Graduate School of Humanities conducted a survey amongst PhD supervisors within the Faculty of Humanities. It showed that many staff members feel a need for collegial consultation on supervising PhD candidates, for example in the form of intervision and sharing good practices. Therefore, in the coming academic year, the Graduate School is organising an intervision group for PhD supervisors. You can register for this intervision group via this link.


Last year, the Graduate School of Humanities conducted a survey amongst PhD supervisors within the Faculty of Humanities. It showed that many staff members feel a need for collegial consultation on supervising PhD candidates, for example in the form of intervision and sharing good practices. Therefore, in the coming academic year, the Graduate School is organising an intervision group for PhD supervisors. You can register for this intervision group via

The group

The intervision group consists of approximately eight people, and is open to participants from all institutions within the faculty, for supervisors with both a lot or little experience, and from diverse backgrounds. Participants can gain inspiration from the various insights and experiences, in an environment where they can express themselves freely, and where the anonymity of the discussed cases can be secured.

The programme

The programme consists of four meetings of 1.5 hours, under the guidance of an experienced mentor, Ewout van der Wouden. Meeting 1 & 2 will take place in the fall of 2024 and are devoted to getting acquainted with, and using two different intervision methodologies; meeting 3 & 4 will take place in the spring of 2025. The goal is that after meeting 4 the group can continue with intervision independently, if desired. The working language is Dutch or English, depending on the participants.

Dates and registration

First meeting: Tuesday, September 3, from 10:30-12:00h, or Wednesday, September 4, from 14:30-16:00h (exact date depends on the number of registrations). The three subsequent meetings will be scheduled in consultation with the group.

You can register for the intervision group until July 12 using this form.


Please contact Pui Chi Lai, coordinator van de Graduate School, via graduateschool@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

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