Universiteit Leiden

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Until 25. July halt on issuing keys for Herta Mohr

15 July 2024

Due to work on the signalling system for the in-house emergency services (BHV), there is unfortunately a temporary restriction on the Herta Mohr building being used in the evenings after 18.00 hrs. and at the weekend. This means that members of staff cannot be in this building on weekdays from 18.00 hrs. and at the weekend. It may be possible to make an arrangement with the receptionist in the Lipsius building if you need to pick something up from the Herta Mohr building.
This situation ends on the 25. July.

Disruption only in the evening and at the weekend

It is important that the BHV organisation can respond to a calamity as rapidly as possible. If the fire alarm system sounds, for example a notification goes immediately to the Fire Service control room, to Security and, normally, to our BHV organisation. The signalling system to the BHV is currently not working in Herta Mohr, so the BHV first has to be notified by Security, which means there is a delay in taking action.

On work days, the BHV organisation is less dependent on this signalling system in the event of a calamity as several BHV members are present who can take action themselves. For example, if the fire alarm sounds. 

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