Universiteit Leiden

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Review legal degree programmes: ‘Can we teach your students, too?’

19 June 2024

Last week, between 10 and 12 June, our legal degree programmes were reviewed by an external Review Committee. The committee was chaired by Professor Anja Oskamp, former Rector Magnificus of the Open University of the Netherlands. It was a successful review: the committee announced its intention to issue positive advice to the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) on the reaccreditation of the legal degree programmes.

The Review Committee had a busy schedule. Over three days, it held interviews with no fewer than 18 delegations of lecturers, students, members of the Faculty Board, members of the Education Board, the Board of Examiners and alumni.

Preliminary findings
At the end of the review, the committee presented its preliminary findings. Its conclusion was that it rated the legal programmes as satisfactory regarding all aspects of the accreditation framework. The committee also gave a number of useful recommendations. First of all, to draw up more frameworks in areas including the role of the Board of Examiners, the implementation of master's thesis tracks, selecting assessment methods and using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. Furthermore, it recommended swiftly accelerating the implementation of the Kernvisie bachelor’s degree programmes and expressed its confidence in the faculty’s competence in this regard.

Transition phase
In addition, the committee raised concerns about the high workload among staff and students, which is an issue at other faculties as well. The committee praised the regular curriculum consultations held at various levels. It also commended staff engagement and student enthusiasm (‘Can we teach your students, too?’). It noted that the programmes are currently in a transition phase and there are sound plans for their continued improvement. ‘So, there’s lots of work to be done!’, was the Chair’s closing remark.

Follow up
The Review Committee will release its advisory reports after the summer break. The Programme Directors will then discuss with the Faculty Board how they intend to follow up on the recommendations.

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