Universiteit Leiden

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ICT, Security

Privacy and Security at the Faculty of Archaeology

27 June 2024

In this digital age, privacy and security are becoming an increasingly important part of our daily work. At Leiden University, all faculties have their own privacy and security advisors. At the Faculty of Archaeology, the security advisor (information manager) is Jasper Kanbier and the privacy officer is Astrid Gravenbeek.

The role of privacy officer

A privacy officer advises on everything related to the protection of personal data. Personal data is all data that can be traced directly or indirectly to a living person. This includes photos and student numbers, but also less obvious data such as IP addresses and special features.

The tasks of a privacy officer

The tasks of a privacy officer are diverse. Some examples:

  • Answering questions from students or employees about the processing of their personal data.
  • Checking privacy aspects within contracts
  • Assessment of privacy risks in the event of data leaks
  • Development of alertness so that an employee knows when to raise the alarm for privacy advice.
  • Assessment of privacy assurance within processes. For example, when new IT systems are purchased.
  • Advising scientists who work with privacy-sensitive data.

Privacy and Archaeology

It is obvious that in archeology the amount of sensitive data containing personal data will be a lot less than in, for example, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Perhaps that is why alertness and knowledge about personal data is even more important than at other faculties. If you don't have to deal with it every day, you may be more likely to overlook something. Such as contracts and research where personal data suddenly plays a role. In addition, there are of course the normal business processes that apply to every faculty, in which personal data of employees and students are processed.

Reason enough to check once in a while whether privacy security is sufficiently on your mind, or whether it is time to refresh your knowledge.

For privacy questions, please contact AVG Archaeology: avg@Arch.leidenuniv.nl.


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