Universiteit Leiden

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Education, Finance, Research

Grassfields: new funding scheme available for upscaling educational innovations

28 June 2024

Leiden University has made available a new grant opportunity to enhance and expand educational innovations within our university. Titled Grassfields, the initiative supports our mission to become a future-proof and adaptive educational environment. 

The Grassfields scheme will provide funding for recently completed and ongoing educational projects with the potential for broader application across the faculties. Consequently, projects which are linked to research and have cross-faculty impact are preferred. 

Practical Information 

  • Grant Name: Grassfields 
  • Funding Amount: A maximum of €300k can be requested per year. At the discretion of the assessment committee, multiple projects can receive funding depending on the amount requested per project.    
  • Timeline: Projects can last for a maximum of 36 months.   
  • Application Deadline: 22 September 2024, before 17:00 hours CEST.
  • Final Decision: On or before 15 November 2024, 17:00 hours CEST.
  • Language: Applications can be submitted in either English or Dutch.
  • Contact information: grassfields@llinc.leidenuniv.nl.

To register your interest in the Grassfields funding scheme, please complete the Expression of Interest form linked below which is available in both Dutch and English.

For further information on Grassfields including eligibility, assessment criteria, and how to apply, see the dedicated page on LLInC's website.

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