Entrance hall renovations and noise disturbance

The ongoing renovation work in the entrance hall of the KOG Building is facing delays following the discovery of a section of concrete under the floor, which needs to be removed with pneumatic drills. A piling technique will then be used. Both the pneumatic drilling and piling will cause more noise disturbance than the technique that the contractor originally intended to use. While the utmost care was taken to plan both the renovation work and techniques, unforeseen issues can occur – especially during renovations on a building that dates back to 1859.
From 19 June onwards, there will therefore be more noise disturbance than initially hoped. We predict that this will continue for the next three weeks. Despite this setback, the main entrance is still due to reopen at the start of the academic year.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. If you have any questions or comments, contact law.facilities@law.leidenuniv.nl.