Una Europa: apply for a staff exchange with your European peers
Want to meet your professional peers at other European universities, and spend up to one week at each other’s university? That's possible, thanks to Leiden University's partnership in Una Europa — an alliance of 11 leading universities from across Europe.
Staff members working in the fields of ICT, Human Resources, Research Management, or Digital Pedagogical Engineering are invited to apply by Thursday 13 June for the 2024 edition of Una Europa’s Live My Life programme. Up to four colleagues working at Leiden University and LUMC will be selected for this unique job-shadowing programme.

What can I expect?
If selected, you’ll attend three online sessions designed to:
- Share more information about Una Europa and the Live My Life programme;
- Develop your ability to work in multicultural and international teams;
- Plan your job-shadowing experience at another university.
Next, you’ll visit an Una Europa partner university for up to one week. This is your chance to connect with someone in a similar role, to immerse yourself in the culture and working practices of your host university, and to share experiences and perspectives with each other.
Am I eligible?
To take part in the this year’s programme, you must be:
A staff member at Leiden University or LUMC, or at one of Una Europa's other 10 partner universities.
Working in one of the following areas:
- ICT (e.g., working on blockchain, developing web applications, managing ICT infrastructure, facilities and hardware)
- Human Resources (e.g., consultants, business partners, learning developers, service managers)
- Research Management (e.g., data stewards, research project and funding management, scientific integrity and ethics specialists)
- Digital Pedagogical Engineering (e.g., designing and improving digital learning experiences and materials, integrating technology into teaching and learning practices, administering and managing digital learning environments).
Able to communicate in English.
Learn more and apply on the Una Europa website.
Language and costs
The working language of the Live My Life programme is English.
Participation is free of charge. For travel and accommodation costs, we ask participants to first check with their department. Alternatively, limited funding through Erasmus+ may be available. To find out more, feel free to contact the Una Europa team at Leiden University: una-europa@bb.leidenuniv.nl